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Summary Report
This report shows you almost all tracked data in an easy to read summary. Get a quick overview on how your site is doing!
  History Graph by Percentage of Daily Total
  History Graph by Hits
Period : 146 Days Tracked
Daily Unique :
Today 4018 / 14 Feb, Mon,2005
Yesterday 8315 / 13 Feb, Sun,2005
Average 7829 Visitors per Day
Highest Day 10462 / 20 Jan, Thu,2005
Weekly Unique :
Current Week 4018 / Wk 07
Last Week 66741 / Wk 06
Average 51956 Visitors per Week
Highest Week 67523 / Wk 03
Monthly Unique :
Current Month 127172 / Feb
Last Month 283812 / Jan
Average 190507 Visitors per Month
Highest Month 283812 / Jan
Highest Hour of the Day 17:00 _ 17:59_5.51 %
Highest Day of the Week Thursday - 15.74%
Totals :
Unique Visitors 1143043 _ 83.87%
Visits incl. Reloads 1362930
Reloads 219887 _ 16.13%
Visitors via Referrers 790966 _ 69.20%
Website Referrers 9391
Keywords 715
Javascript Enabled
    1018309 _ 89.09%
Most accessed :
    MSIE6 _ 71.89%
Operating System
    Windows XP _ 63.54 %
Screen Resolution
    1024x768 _ 48.26 %
Screen Color
    32Bit (16.7M) - 64.86%
Search Engine
    Google -0.43%
    Shopping - 20.19%
    United States - 25.60%
    North America - 38.46%